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On December 8th, 2015, we returned to Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital for our Annual Holiday Party. We brought back our favorite villains, the Midwest Garrison 501st Legion. They were a smash, especially due to all the hype with the new Star Wars installment premiering this month! CKMC brought a van full of holiday cupcakes, the hottest toys for inpatient and outpatient on floors 17 and 18, and helped refresh PS4 and XBOX games for the hospital’s gaming areas. Beggars Pizza was also delivered and enjoyed by patients, families, and staff. We are grateful for the opportunity to support the entire pediatric oncology department, and look forward to doing it all again next year! Thank you to our wonderful donors, volunteers, and Lurie’s staff that help make this all possible
Facebook API came back with a faulty result. You may be accessing an album you do not have permissions to access.Please try entering,link,name,images,album&limit=1000 into your URL bar and seeing if the page loads.
In December 2014 we sponsored a Star Wars Party for Lurie Children’s Hospital! It was a big hit! CKMC volunteers handed out toys to all of the patients and their siblings, and we provided themed gourmet cupcakes and refreshments. When the Imperial Force had infiltrated the hospital, they had everyone rooting for the “dark side” in no time! Families had a great time posing and interacting with the characters. CKMC also provided some needed electronics; a new PS4, games, and a universal phone charging system for the inpatient floor family room. We can’t wait to do it all again in 2015!
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