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Meet our friend Jake!   Jake is very special boy who is a BIG fan of nature and animals.  He ha his own Zoo-full of animals at home!  Jake has a 4 year old little brother named Casey, and mom and dad Lauren who are right by his side, inspired over and over again by the outreach of support.

On December 12, 2014, 8 year old Jacob found out that he had a large inoperable brain stem tumor (Ganglioglioma).  Jake’s connection to CKMC and the Kettner’s happened long before he was even born.  Joe Kettner’s father, Jim Kettner is the Uncle to Jacob’s Grandmother, and he had the pleasure of walking her down the aisle on her wedding day many years ago.  Yes, that means are are family!  When we found out Jacob was diagnosed, Joe Kettner immediately referred his cousin for a Kiss of Hope.

Because of the location of the tumor and the medications he is now on, Jake has had some unfortunate symptoms present themselves that have restricted his mobility, breathing, and vision.  Jake’s mobility was so limited that the family and CKMC devised a plan to give him his mobility back – with the gift of a pool!  In the matter of a few days, CKMC and the Mieszela family came together to fund and install a pool in their backyard, complete with heater and deck modifications!  Joe Kettner knows first hand what a pool can mean to a child with limited mobility; “Our Carter Kettner received the gift of a pool, and the life in his body and extremities came back; we knew it; he felt like a kid again”.

Joe received this note from Mom, just after the pool was installed; “We wanted to send a quick THANK YOU to you and the entire Cancer Kiss My Cooley Organization! Your gift of this pool for our Jacob is beyond amazing. For him to be able to go right out our back door and get into the water and be able to feel free, to have no limitations on his little body, is going to be so good for him physically and mentally. After having a toxic reaction to the Vincristine, Jake has been unable to walk unassisted since March. This has really taken a toll on his emotional state, as he was just on a soccer team a month before his diagnosis. His world, and ours as a family, has been turned upside down, and if it wasn’t for our strong Christian faith, we don’t know where we’d be.  We can’t wait to see you guys and give you a huge hug!”.

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